Friday, December 17, 2004

Big news

Who cares who won The Apprentice, or that Pres. Bush will sign the new intelligence bill into law. The big news in the library world is that NISO has approved a new 13 digit ISBN number!


Yup, I thought you all would be excited. Perhaps all of our stereotype isn't unwarranted?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Librarians, the new Google?

Finally, someone get's it. Someone recognizes that the Internet is just one of many information tools, and all the Googles, Yahoos and AskJeeves in the world can't compete with the ulimate search engine - the librarian.

Over the summer an RN from the ED came to the library asking for information on a topic. He had spent over two hours trying to locate said information. I was able to locate exactly what he needed, print some of it off the computer, pull some of it off the shelf and copy it and run it back to the ED in 10 minutes. That day, he and his collegues had their epiphany. They are experts at caring for patients. Librarians are experts at locating and evaluating information. The library is now a formal member of the emergency hazmat team.

So, have you hugged your librarian today?

Monday, December 13, 2004


Well, ok, it was campy. It was really campy....and to enhance its campiness, TNT ran it over and over and over. Seeing it once was enough, but it was entertaining and fun. It's always good to see a woman in a power-role, also.
Anyone who was thinking it was going to be super-serious would have been tragically disappointed.......but I'm thinking a tv series would be kinda cool. Like Batman was campy, this could be campy too. I think people might actually dig it. It'd be easy to follow and understand and it would reinforce alllllll those Myths we carry around in our subconscious about how the world works.....

Although, I must confess I was more fascinated by the Library realm (what ARE those books???) than anything else. CGI captured my imagination moreso than the plot.

Meanwhile, I have learned a few other things and "moved on" as they say in therapy.
1. My Steelers have clinched their division. So I'm going to go to a play-off game and freeze.

2. How fast I drive is directly correlated to what my mood is.

3. My spouse really can't and won't (more importantly) clean the house, especially if I'm not there.

But hey, it's
Tannenbaum season, and I should be (and AM) grateful for the things in my life that give it the depth and complexity of a precocious Cabernet. Topping that list and not co-chairing the number one spot with anything is my older brother's return from Iraq and his comparatively short stay there. I mourn for those whose return is uncertain or came while lying in state. I recognize your selfless determination and grit to fulfill a task that seems impossible and may very well be an exercise in futility.....indeed, Dwight D. Eisenhower said:

"I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity."

and he also wisely noted:

"I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it.

I am praying for peace most fiercely these days.....perhaps this should be considered a warning.


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Librarian as Super hero??

You have to love this, and yes, I have my VCR set to I mean RECORD for this gem.
First of all, the LEAD character is a, that was almost the case in "The Mummy" the remake with Brandon Frazier *yum*....however this time we've got lead billing....and
the Librarian is a man (go some ways, the struggle continues, eh?)...Noah Wyle in fact !! *double yum*
And yeah, he's billed as a nerdish bookworm but so what??? He is still called upon to save the world! I can see your goosebumps from here, don't bother to hide it!! Hey if a absent-minded professor of archeology can become super hero Indiana Jones, then why not a librarian (where do you think Dr. Jones got all his research support from, huh? huh?)
Overall, I can't think of a better Renegade of the Month than Mr. Noah Wyle who will single-handedly be piercing those stereo-types with rugged good-looks and charm.
This is awesome!

THE LIBRARIAN tells the story of a repository for humanity's greatest secrets, all hidden beneath the monolithic Metropolitan Public Library. From the Golden Fleece to the Ark of the Covenant, every enigma and artifact from every known and unknown civilization is protected from the forces of evil who, if given the chance, would use the priceless treasures for their nefarious plans. Only one can keep them safe: The Librarian.

The Librarian, Quest for the Spear...He didn't want to
be a hero. He only wanted a job.

Sunday, Dec.5 on TNT at 8.00 pm.

Here's a link to TNT site,19443,,00.html

Mental note to self

When trying to dispell the stereotype that librarians dress dowdy, do NOT wear boots with 4 inch heals to work on the day it's snowed 1-3 inches. The orthopaedic doctors are salivating just waiting for me to break my ankles!