You have to love this, and yes, I have my VCR set to I mean RECORD for this gem.
First of all, the LEAD character is a, that was almost the case in "The Mummy" the remake with Brandon Frazier *yum*....however this time we've got lead billing....and
the Librarian is a man (go some ways, the struggle continues, eh?)...Noah Wyle in fact !! *double yum*
And yeah, he's billed as a nerdish bookworm but so what??? He is still called upon to save the world! I can see your goosebumps from here, don't bother to hide it!! Hey if a absent-minded professor of archeology can become super hero Indiana Jones, then why not a librarian (where do you think Dr. Jones got all his research support from, huh? huh?)
Overall, I can't think of a better Renegade of the Month than Mr. Noah Wyle who will single-handedly be piercing those stereo-types with rugged good-looks and charm.
This is awesome!
THE LIBRARIAN tells the story of a repository for humanity's greatest secrets, all hidden beneath the monolithic Metropolitan Public Library. From the Golden Fleece to the Ark of the Covenant, every enigma and artifact from every known and unknown civilization is protected from the forces of evil who, if given the chance, would use the priceless treasures for their nefarious plans. Only one can keep them safe: The Librarian.
The Librarian, Quest for the Spear...He didn't want to
be a hero. He only wanted a job.
Sunday, Dec.5 on TNT at 8.00 pm.
Here's a link to TNT site,19443,,00.html