Faster Pussycat!
Well it is the new year and things have started with a BANG!
That was the sound my car made when I got rear-ended after leaving a law librarian's brunch at the Southside Works. My reward, I suppose, for being the leader of this fun loving professional chapter of AALL called WPLLA
Then the workload increase. It is hard to say whether it's due to some macroeconomic flux of the economy boom we are supposedly in, OR
due to the fact a library clerk has been relocated to another department. It's sad when the attorneys mourn HIS absence in the library without realizing they have an attorney to help them at their beck and call, even, in the library. Perhaps I am just being PRICKly about it and it's just they are being creatures of habit....BUT
when they call and are advised of his departure, they ask, "Well, who can I ask to do research for me?"....I must refrain from telling them, "I don't know." I DO know. I have always known. I will continue to know.(most importantly)
Do you know (yet) to whom you can turn to get your research done???